I found that the wheels of my suitcase were broken when receiving it at Honolulu airport. It was the second time. The first time was in the airport of Munich or Firenze. The handling of the luggage overseas, I feel, is rougher than in Japan. Anyway, I had time at night and sent an e-mail along with some pictures of the suitcase to ask my insurance agent if the damage would be covered by my insurance. The prompt reply told me that the damage was under the coverage. I had just only to pay the transport fee from my house to the repair center of GLOBE-TROTTER near Tokyo. 6 years have passed since I bought this suitcase, but it looks like brand-new and works well. Wonderful!
スーツケースのタイヤが破損した。日本の空港だと何も起こらないのに、海外での扱いは乱暴なのだろうか?夜ちょっと時間ができたので写真を撮って保険を請求してみた。 そしたらなんと全額保証された。自宅から、GLOBE-TROTTERのリペアセンターまでの往復の費用は負担しなければならないが、タイヤを新品に交換してくれるという。良かった。記録を見るとこのスーツケースを購入して6年になるが、いまだに新品同様。ありがたい。