I was totally numb today:
An old university acquaintance, who was a few years senior to me, asked me to do some work in his hospital last week. He and I spent a few years together on the same campus, and he often helped me on various occasions. Currently, he runs a hospital in Hiroshima Prefecture and suffers from the shortage of surgeons. I decided to join his surgical team as a part-time surgeon at his request today. I headed for his hospital by car.
I dropped in at Kurushima Kaikyo Rest Area to take a short rest on the way to the destination. The following pictures were taken at that time. The bridges in the pictures connect Honshu and Shikoku. Anyway, I found several full body massage chairs set in the resting room, and anyone was allowed to freely use them within 15 minutes. I took one of them and got a massage. Its mechanical massage was really relaxing and before you know it, I fell asleep. I put my personal bag aside before the massage and when I stood up from the chair, I forgot to take it. After one hour's drive, I found that I had left my bag there. I was totally numb as several valuables were in the bag. I immediately called the information desk of the Area and knew that someone had already taken my bag to the desk. I didn't know his/her name, but I was really grateful.
〈手・足などが〉 感覚のなくなった, 麻痺(まひ)した, かじかんだ
(ショック・悲しみなどで) ぼう然とした, 頭が真っ白になった .
大学時代の先輩から手術の応援を依頼され、広島県へ向かう途中、四国から広島県へ渡る直前のサービスエリアで休憩を取った。写真はそのときに撮ったもの。ここに疲れたドライバー用に無料のマッサージ椅子があった。一人15分まで使えたので利用することにした。そのとき、肩から掛けていたボディバッグを椅子の横へ置いて、そのまま忘れてサービスエリアを出てしまった。1時間後に気づいた。サービスエリアへ電話をしたら、誰かが届けてくれて保管されていた。助かった~~ 中には現金、クレジットカードなど貴重品だらけ。現金は良いとして、免許証やらクレジットカードなどが盗られたら後の手続きがめんどい。どこの誰かはわからないが、発見者の善意に感謝!