I toured Hirota Site Museum and then walked around Hirota Site, which was the considerable magnitude of a graveyard site, while recalling lives in ancient times. I knew that this tiny island had developed as a relay station between the southern area and Japan and admired the fact that the intensive investigation into the history and culture about the ancient Tanegashima Island had developed. In the entrance hall of the museum we got together a noisy flock of schoolkids led by a teacher. It seemed to be a part of their school work. It was lucky and useful to be able to listen to their teacher's story along with schoolkids. The behaviour of them with small backpacks and water bottles reminded us of our daughters' childhood. I felt something nostalgic.
The graveyard site was located on a hill on the waterfront and ancient people should have seen a magnificent view from there. However, who could have imagined the big building related to the rocket launching at the tip of the cape in those days?
site (昔,重要なことが起こった) 跡(地), 遺跡
relay station 中継局、中継地
国史跡 広田遺跡
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