I knew about the ripstik board by accident. After a short thought, I bought one. It looked easy and fun when I had seen it for the first time.
If I master how to ride on it and can ride on the sidewalk, the board would be handy to move, but riding on the sidewalk is apparently prohibited. Before that, riding wasn't so easy. However, I'm going to acquire the riding technique. I'm over 60 and it's a big issue for me to keep fit. Riding on the board is good to strengthen the trunk. A veteran rider was talking in a Youtube video that the movement on the board was really alike a snowboard and surfing. I might be able to ride on both some day. First of all I'd like to boast riding to my upcoming grandchild.
Conclusion: The ripstik board is not a thing that 60 - over seniors try to master, but it's a lot of fun. I'll try to get on it in the garage.
ひょんな事からリップスティックボードというものを知った。調べてみると面白そうなので早速購入。 練習して乗れるようになれば、いつも車に積んでおいて出先での移動に便利かと思ったが、歩道を走ってはいけないようだ。ただその前に乗りこなしが難しそう。日頃、意識して体調管理に努めなければならないと思っているのだが、歳を取るにつれ筋力の低下が進む。大腿四頭筋と体幹の筋肉の維持が極めて重要だと思っている。このおもちゃは体幹の強化に役立ちそうに思える。