Today is Japan's Navy Day, which was abolished in 1945 by the order from GHQ, the Occupation Force to Japan. However, this memorial day should be celebrated even now along with the Army Day of March 10th. These two memorial days are deeply inscribed in Japanese of integrity and became an occasion that those people get together and have a feast in my hometown.
To my regret, the meeting was cancelled this year just like last year due to the Wuhan virus pandemic. It seems that the pandemic is being stamped out in my hometown, but some variants are still sometimes reported across Japan. The situation is still open to conjecture.
feast [C] 祝宴, 宴会
stamp sth out <社会の害悪など>を撲滅[根絶]する
conjecture [U] 推測, 憶測
be open to doubt 議論の余地がある
The fate of the bill is still open to conjecture. この法案の運命はまだ予断を許さない
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