I own a Tesla car, Model 3. As you know, it's an EV. I usually charge it at home at midnight. Its charging speed is slow, but the charge is done while I sleep and it finishes before I start next morning, so I don't mind its slowness. You would understand what I mean if you imagine the charging of your smartphone.
On the other hand, I utilize a public charging service while being away from home. Not only Tesla cars but every EV can be charged from this service and its speed is higher than that of the charger of my home. However, its speed is not ideally high.
Tesla, Inc. is building their exclusive charging facilities across the world. The third generation of the charger was set in the adjacent prefecture recently. You have only to put the plug in the car and your car is automatically identified and the bill is also automatically charged to your credit card. The charging speed is marvelous. The electricity for the 1100km drive can be charged in an hour as you see in the following picture.
Then, the Tesla-charger will be apparently launched in my home town. I'd not use it, as I have a charger in my home, but even people who don't live in detached houses would purchase Tesla cars. The number of Tesla cars from outside the city would increase I hope.
detached〈家が〉一戸建ての, 独立した