The Awa Earth Pillars, which is called one of the three biggest scenic beauties the world over "by the local people". The other two scenic beauties are apparently the Earth pyramids of South Tyrol and the Hoodoos in Bryce Canyon National Park. Is the story of the three biggest scenic beauties true? I've long been skeptical about this story. I visited the Awa Earth Pillars for the first time and I was disappointed at the scene. Actually there was a strange terrain, but in my opinion, it can't be paralleled to the other two spots. I favorably understand the locals' passion for the Pillars, but this description isn't acceptable for me.
scenic beauty 奇勝、名勝
bizarre 奇妙な, とっぴな
((米))=voodoo 《宗教》ブードゥー教(◇西インド諸島や米国南部の黒人に信仰されている多神教)
skeptical 疑い深い, 懐疑的な