I visited "The Perch", which Ten-noh picked up in his memoir 30 years ago, with my wife and daughter. There were some willow trees in its garden and I asked a waiter how old those trees were. He told us that the trees were said to be 700 years old and the pub was 800 years old, though the pub itself caught fire three times in its life and had been rebuilt accordingly. I was amazed at its long history. The pub seemed to be renovated lately and they should stay at the same site in the next 800 years. Amazing resolution! As soon as I got into the pub, I found a poem on the wall, at the bottom of which the signature of Samuel Johnson was written. I knew his name only and the poem was new to me. It was a little hard to understand promptly for me, and I took its picture just for future reference. At that time, a waiter gave me their napkin on which the poem was printed. Now, I fully understood its full sentence and I'll add its Japanese translation and the picture of the napkin at the bottom of this entry. I agree with his thought from the bottom of my heart.
I've almost forgotten to refer to today's dinner. I ordered the dish of mackerel and the suggested white wine and local beer. We ate raw salmon at a Japanese restaurant called "Edamame" in the downtown of Oxford for lunch, and it was really nice. Surprisingly for me, the U.K. can apparently get fresh sea food. My only experience of European sea food is in Freiburg in Germany. People in Oxford might be angry if I compare the U.K. surrounded by sea with inland Freiburg. This mackerel was also delicious and went well with the wine. The U.K. is surrounded by the sea and the salmon is imported from nearby Norway to Japan and so, my tongue is quite at home with Norwegian salmon. There's no way that sea food in the U.K. tastes bad.
By the way, it's very hot and muggy this season in Japan, but in Oxford, it was a little chilly. A comfortable breeze made me feel happy like being on top of the world. I wondered how many people had spent their joyful hours here for these 800 years. The words of Samuel Johnson penetrated deeper into me.
just for future reference 後学のために
mackerel サバ
inland 内陸の
at home 慣れている
Edamame 枝豆