I reached The Trout Inn in the end by my daughter's car. It was about 30 minutes from the city center of Oxford. I knew this pub from the memoir of Japanese Ten-noh who had studied water transport by the Thames nearly 40 years ago. He apparently came here with his guard by bicycle. Having read his memoir, I was eager to have dinner at this pub.
I'll show you its external appearance below. I wondered how old this building was. I should have questioned someone about that, but the waiters looked busy. A few hundreds years or more, I thought.
娘の運転する車でついにやってきたパブ、Trout Inn。市内から30分。天皇陛下は留学中、警護官と共に自転車でテムズ川沿いを走って立ち寄ったという。留学記を読んでいてなんとしてもここで食事をしたかった。