I'll write about the recent weak yen today. When I visited Oahu last December, I felt overwhelmed with the prices of commodities coming from the weak yen and the inflation of the U.S.. I had to cut down the use of restaurants and cooked most meals with food that I got in a supermarket for locals.
The weak yen developed more intensely this spring. The exporting companies like carmakers sound like they made unprecedented profits, but travel persons like me have difficulties to plan overseas travels. The prices in Hawaii are unbelievably high now, and I have to bring some meals from Japan next time.
In the meantime, I have a plan to visit the U.K. in June. I'm going to stay in Bath and I'm thinking of visiting one of its constituent countries of Wales. I'm learning its culture and history now. I paid the flight fee by mileage. The mileage payment is free of influence from exchange instability. It's very helpful in this weak-yen trend.
Bath has the ruin of a Roman public bath. Its name, "Bath", might be derived from the ruin. My hometown has the oldest hot spa of Japan. It's written even in Japan's mythology. The travel from the oldest hot spa town of Japan to that of the U.K. would be fantastic.
currency gain 為替差益
exchange 為替
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