Reaching Hakone with my sports car and viewing Mt. Fuji, I wasn't able to resist the temptation to drive my car up to Mt. Fuji. You can climb up to the altitude of 2305 meters of Mt. Fuji by car, where a vast parking area is provided.
The road to the 2305 meters' altitude is called "Fuji Subaruline", the entrance of which is shown in the following picture. You can see a part of Mt. Fuji over its toll gate. I used a public toilet there, because I didn't want to use toilets up the mountain, when a sightseeing bus passed by me. An attendant spat out, "Almost all the passengers of buses are Chinese." I discovered his intense aversion. He told me additionally that the weather was not so good, and visitors weren't allowed to climb up above the altitude of 2020 meters. However, I went up to the 2020 meters' Osawa Parking and Viewing Point.
The temperature was 7.5 degrees centigrade at the parking of the altitude of 2020 meters. I forgot to write about the attitude of Chinese tourists in the grounds of Hakone Shrine in the last entry, though. I was really angry at their arrogance toward the Japanese cultural assets. They were alike at Mt. Fuji. I just wanted them not to throw trash away around there. Seeing them, I engraved an old proverb in my mind - When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I'm planning to visit the Islamic country of Malaysia at the end of August and I've never been to a Muslim Nation. I'm going to learn how to respect to Malaysian culture.
Some Chinese took their own snapshots with one hand resting on my car's fender. If they shot themselves with my car a little apart, I wouldn't mind that, but I asked them not to touch my car. However, I got uneasy then, thinking that they might do something bad to my car after I left my car, and I stayed around my car and didn't stand on the observatory terrace. A dense fog obstructed the view then and it was a consolation. If the weather had been clear and I wasn't able to see the scenery, I would bear a severe grudge against them.
(北海道・東北旅行記 4月1日)
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