The visitor's tickets for the degree ceremony were handed out after the brunch meeting. With it firmly in my hand, I walked to the Sheldonian Theatre in which the ceremony would be held. I had walked through the old city several times and didn't miss the way, but I was surprised to see a horde of visitors to the ceremony at its entrance. I was afraid of whether we came in, or not. I didn't want to end up in standing room, but luckily, we managed to take seats, though my daughter's seat was distant and behind the column viewing from our seats. I had to twist my body to take snapshots of her.
I couldn't catch the words used in the ceremony, but it seems to have been Latin. Latin has traditionally been used for as many as 1000 years in the ceremony. How wonderful! The students took their seats before the opening of the ceremony once, then they went out of the room after greeting three university personnel (I don't know the name of their roles, but proctor?). When they re-entered the room next, they were formally dressed with a hood of several colors and a mortarboard. The color of the hoods apparently represented their majors. This is totally my speculation, but the first greeting means the permit for their degrees from the university and the second greeting to the personnel formally dressed might be showing their gratitude. Their - both university side and students - greeting, taking the mortarboard and bowing, was somehow humorous and all the people were smiling. Laden with both a stately and homey atmosphere, the ceremony was awesome. Seeing the smiling faces of the young people who would be leading the world in the future, I became happy. They made me feel that I have to work hard at my post.
standing room 立ち見席
stately 悠然とした, ゆったりとした; 威厳のある, 堂々たる;〈人が〉風格のある, 堂々とした
homey 〈場所・雰囲気などが〉 我が家のような, 居心地のよい
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