I have no other words to say sorry concerning the people in Ukraine and soldiers from Ukraine and Russia. I wonder why wars have been repeated in this area. Hearing the news about the sinking of the Russian Black Sea Fleet's flagship of Moscow, I recalled the mutiny of the battleship Potyomkin, which used to be the newest and strongest one in the Fleet and I rented a book related to the mutiny from the community library to learn the social conditions of those days. There's a research field called geopolitics. Is it inevitable to repeat conflicts even though the time changes?
As far as I know, the Japanese media recognize Ukraine as good and Russia as evil, but I don't think so. The following evidence will show you remarkable facts; there was surely a slaughter of Russian or pro-Russian people in eastern Ukraine, and there are also neo-Nazi groups.
It was Russia that started to invade Ukraine, and so Russia is responsible for the miserable outcome. However, the opinions of Russia should not be hidden. They should also be precisely reported to everyone for their better judgement. Just making sure, I don't mean to champion Russia. I'm writing about just facts.
This article seems to be going to become incoherent and I'll put an end to this argument.
The UNHCR lists the cases of the infringement on human rights in Ukraine and those cases contain lots of victims of the Russian related people in the Donbas district in eastern Ukraine.
[The victim 2016/2/15-5/15]
[UN Report 2020/2/16-6/30]
[UN Report insists that the number of victims soars up to 13200 in the Donbas district.]
With these reports the UN says that more than 5600 Russian related inhabitants were killed by the end of last year. Those cases include the Ukrainian attack on the homes of the pro-Russian people. They included also
murders and torture, that is an apparent genocide.
The world-wide and biggest international human rights NGO, Amnesty International, criticizes the Ukrainian Government that these cruel acts are blamed on the Ukrainian government.
The OSCE also reports about the air-attack on the Donbas district by the Ukrainian Air Force.
The OSCE elaborately reports about torture by the neo-Nazi groups of the Azov Regiment in Ukraine.
You can easily find this kind of evidence on the net.
mutiny (兵士・海員の) 反乱
geopolitics 地政学的な条件;地政学
research field 研究分野
incoherent〈政策・考えなどが〉一貫性のない, 支離滅裂な; ろれつの回らない, しどろもどろの,〈話・返事などが〉わけのわからない, つじつまの合わない[+incoherent with]
reference 参考[引用]文献
infringe 〈法律など〉に違反する. 〈権利・自由など〉を侵害する.
OSCE 欧州安全保障協力機構(Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
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