I heard about the recent trouble in Taiwan's agricultural industry. The destination of export of Taiwan's pineapples had been mainly China for a long time, but the Chinese government began to harass Taiwan. This news spread across Japan immediately.
Taiwan reached their big helping hand to Japan 10 years ago when the enormous earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan. Japanese people never forget a favor offered by others. Ordinary people in Japan moved to express their gratitude and started to buy pineapples produced in Taiwan. Some importers responded in concert with this movement and the amount of import of pineapples from Taiwan increased to 2.3 times compared with last year. Moreover it seems to expand.
I looked for them at a few supermarkets near my neighborhood, but I didn't find any, so I bought the processed pineapples of pineapple cakes, which is shown below, via Amazon. I like this cake originally and bought several packages. I brought some of them to my office and my daughter. Hang in there, Taiwan!
spite [U] 悪意, 恨み= harassment 嫌がらせ
out of spite (for spite とも) 悪意[恨み]から, 腹いせに
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