I own a Tesla Model 3 now. I have a feeling that this car is completely different, in its car-making concept, from other conventional types of cars with engines. It has no engines, and if you open its hood, you'll find a storage space. This space is called "frunk", which might be a newly synthesized word for no-engine cars. It maybe comes from "front" plus "trunk". You can unlock the frunk from inside or your smartphone, but you have to press around the logo on the hood to lock the frunk. The frunk is a really handy space, but when I close the hood, I always feel uneasy as the hood is thin and weak and I hate to close by hand.
That's why I had the power frunk installed which was developed by a third company. It's convenient and I like it, but its buzzer is noisy and annoying. It resonates in high tones at midnight. It was so uncomfortable that I decided to remove it from the car. I'm not a good worker on machines, but the discomfort outweighed my hesitation for fiddling machines. I searched for the buzzer not to lose even one small screw and removed it successfully. A gastrectomy was easier than these procedures for me.
hood ボンネット
fiddle 物をいじくる
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