I and my youngest daughter, A, took my dog, Mocha, to the vet. She wants to be a vet, so she was happy to see a vet. As for me, I wasn't so happy because I had to pay a consultation fee. Mocha has no medical insurance and I have to pay a lot. He has been releasing my accumulated stress every day. I cannot but take care of his health.
His prescription:
distemper vaccine, infectious canine hepatitis vaccine, infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine, parainfluenza virus vaccine, parvovirus vaccine, canine leptospirosis vaccine, vaccine against rabies, labo test for checking filarial infection and antifilarial drugs for 6 month from now.
It cost 26,000 yen (about 230 US$). This is the fee for medical treatment for a year. Is it high or not?