After coming back home from Hokkaido and starting my daily work, I came across a trying case. The patient is 52 years old, suffering from congenital cerebral palsy and the after effects of CVA. He went through the ventriculoperitoneal shunt procedure in the beginning of August. After the operation he had hard bowel movements. Now, he has got intestinal obstruction. Because I couldn't tell that the obstruction is mechanical or paralytic, I've advised medical management. But the condition was getting worse. I decided to do a surgical treatment.
When I investigated his abdominal cavity, the shunt tube was buried in unhealthy granulation and I found a tumor in the mesenterium of the terminal ileum. I guessed this tumor was benign, but this tumor was apparently the cause of the intestinal obstruction so I decided to do an ileocecal resection. By the way, what is this tumor? Why did it appear? I noticed an unnatural surface of the intestines and abdominal cavity. I've no idea how to express it in English. Anyway it was different from what I had seen before. I asked my senior colleague to help me. He didn't have an exact answer about the status of the abdominal cavity. We decided to observe the patient carefully after the operation.
trying 苦しい、つらい、耐え難い、疲れる、骨の折れる 腹の立つ、腹立たしい、癪に障る
go through 〔困難・試練・つらいことなどを〕体験[経験]する
granulation 肉芽組織 = granulation tissue