I drove down south along the coastline of Mutsu Bay from Yokohama town and crossed Shimokita Peninsula from west to east (to the Pacific Ocean side) on prefectural route 24. I ran through a virgin forest and a few ranches. It was wonderful going over a mountain pass.
Then I reached a nuclear complex on the Pacific side. We were in the Rokkasho village where there are no private houses. This area might be good for nuclear facilities. The road is wide and not tight. I think it's because this road is used for the transportation of nuclear substances. Nuclear spent fuel that is produced in my prefecture is stored here too for a long long time.
On the picture, the road goes across Takahokonuma Lake. This lake is brackish and Mutsu Ogawara Port is located at the outlet to the Pacific Ocean. The lake on the right side of the road is desalinated.
After passing Takahokonuma Lake, I turned to Route 394 and ran through several tranquil roads.
Soon I got into Shichinohe city. The road had a noticeable uphill gradient that ran through a deep forest. I got to see the Hakkoda mountains in front of me.
It was a clear sky and the wind was confortable. My speed became high unconsciously, so I had to be more careful than usual.
nuclear complex 核の複合施設、核関連施設
nuclear spent fuel 使用済み核燃料
brackish 汽水性の、半塩水の
desalinated water 脱塩水
tranquil 落ち着いた、平静な、平穏な、穏やかな、のどかな、安らかな、静かな
noticeable 人目を引く、目立つ、顕著な、注目に値する
uphill 上り坂
gradient 傾き、傾斜、勾配