Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

Canada 2012

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Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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Birthday Party

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    50th Birthday Party 50歳の誕生日をネットの仲間が祝ってくれました。我が家でバーベキューをしています。


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    2010春 次女とフライブルクから日帰り旅行 詰め込んでます。少しずつ整理してゆきます。

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« Eri Came Back | Main | Finding Forrester »

Sep 04, 2007


Hi, Shiroi_Tora

I see patients with bacterial pneumonia on a daily basis and some of them are getting closer to death. I understood your sadness.

Thank you for the comment.

Your stance was, of course, the correct one. Smoking has caused the untimely deaths of so many of my co-workers. My younger sister, the only member of my family that smokes, has probably 10 - 20 years at best, before the ravages of her habit catch up to her.

The fact that it is a fully preventable cause that must make their degrading physical condition before death a particularly bitter experience to reconcile with.

I had visited a co-worker, a few years ago, who had at that time, about 3 months to live. I visited about once a month. The first two times, he seemed in relatively good spirits. The final visit came about 3 weeks before his death...I wish I hadn't gone that time. His psychological strength had left him. He seemed so bitter...that was the saddest thing to see. I had talked to him 15 years prior to his initial diagnosis of lung cancer...I tried to reason with him to no avail.

Many smokers don't seem to realize that while not all will get cancer...all heavy smokers...should they live long enough...shall get emphysema.

Slow suffocation...infirmity...relying on supplemental Oxygen to just exist. Not even with all the millions of dollars Johnny Carson had...he died a slow death due to Emphysema...cursing his smoking habit.

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