Two months had passed since I got a new scooter, but the total mileage was only 650km on Nov. 18th. The manual of the scooter tells me not to rev over more than 5000 until the mileage reaches up to 1000km. It's for kind of warming-up the engine. I kept to this rule faithfully, but I wanted to rev more than 5000 so I went out for a one-day trip to add mileage and for a change. The destination was Yakuri-ji Temple, which was the 85th of the Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage and was 170km away from my home.
I enticed my friends to go with me and two of them got together. Another three riders joined us at Toyohama on the way to Yakuri-ji Temple. The pictures below were taken at Toyohama where we took a rest and had a late breakfast.
At any rate I could see many kinds of motorcycles here and had fun. I'd like to have a BMW next.
To be continued.....
This picture shows our six scooters. Our ages were between 40 and 70. The scooter is very easy to ride on and suitable for older people.
Just after we parked our scooters, a clutch of young men came in the parking lot. They seemed to be in their twenties. Their motorcycles were heavy and powerful. I used to have this type of motorcycle in my student days.
Ten minutes later, a group of more than 1000cc motorcycles came and parked between the young men and us. Some of them were Harleys.
When I started, I found another group who had European motorcycles at the entrance of the parking lot.
rev (エンジンなど)の回転数を上げる; (エンジンなどが)回転数を上げる
for a change / for a switch / for recreation 気分転換に
The Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage 四国霊場88か所巡礼
entice sb to do sth <人>をそそのかして<…>させる
a clutch of sth <…>の小集団, 何人か[いくつか]の<…>
(KW: 四国遍路 八十八カ所 弘法大師 八栗寺)