Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

Canada 2012

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    Ski Tour to Canada and Accidental Tour to Korea

Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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Birthday Party

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    50th Birthday Party 50歳の誕生日をネットの仲間が祝ってくれました。我が家でバーベキューをしています。


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    2010春 次女とフライブルクから日帰り旅行 詰め込んでます。少しずつ整理してゆきます。

My House

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Feb 06, 2008


Hi, Brittany!

Thank you for your comment, and I'm sorry for late reply. I have several pictures, but I don't have permissions from my patients. However, the picture on this entry is permitted from the patient. Use it freely.

from Japan

Hello, I am giving a presentation on Thromboangiitis Obliterans/Buerger's Disease for a physical therapy class; I am studying physical therapy. Do you have any other pictures that I may use for my presentation? Thanks.


I'm sorry to hear your condition. Buerger's disease is one of the diseases that are still incurable. I don't have any suitable word for you. Thank you for your comment and take care!

I suffer from buergers (thromboangiitis obliterans) and have lost both legs and 4 fingers from this disease. Started when I was 25, now 52. For those of you who read this and smoke marijuana....thats how I contracted it. Smoking tobacco is not the only thing that causes this disease. So next time you take a toke, remember that picture.

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