First of all, look at the pictures below. Whenever I see such a vast view of a snowfield, I wish I had a digital single-lens reflex camera. My digital camera doesn't have enough ability to describe this magnificent wilderness.
Can you spot six people in about the center of the first picture? They had skied almost straight down from the top of the ridge. They are really crazy skiers. You might be able to see their ski tracks that they left on the steep slope if you magnify the picture. I guess you are wondering if they had really skied down such a rocky place. Yes! I was watching their performance. I spoke to one of them when they were passing us. Don't you feel scared to see rocks under your skis? They answered that the rocks were not seen from above. I didn't know that. If I found a sign saying "CLIFF", I would be sure to get back on the right track, but they were, if you ask me, cliff freaks.
The second picture is of me with Blackcomb Mountain in the background.
single-lens reflex camera 一眼レフカメラ
wilderness [C] 未開地, 手つかずの土地
spot 〈捜していた人・物など〉 を見つけ出す, に気づく
ridge 山の背, 尾根
leave ski tracks シュプールを描く
if you ask me 私に言わせれば
take a photo with Mt. Everest in the background エベレストをバックに写真を撮る
against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. エッフェル塔をバックに