Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

Canada 2012

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    Ski Tour to Canada and Accidental Tour to Korea

Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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Birthday Party

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    50th Birthday Party 50歳の誕生日をネットの仲間が祝ってくれました。我が家でバーベキューをしています。


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    2010春 次女とフライブルクから日帰り旅行 詰め込んでます。少しずつ整理してゆきます。

My House

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« Inspection of Emergency Generator | Main | Marine Corps Air Station(MCAS) Iwakuni, Japan »

Apr 27, 2008


Thank you for visiting my blog again.

I'm going to write about this topic in a few weeks. Check it out!

Dear Dr. Kumo,

I was reading the blog of a US emergency room doctor. He was talking about health care systems in different countries, and said that:

"Japan was probably the most scary to me. Government (i.e. “single payer”) sets prices. Insurance companies are prohibited from making money. Sewing up a laceration gets paid $4.50 and a hospitalization in a room with 4 other patients is $10/night. MRIs cost a rocking $95. Patients love the system."

The doctor then concluded that therefore, doctors in Japan get paid about minimum wage. Is that true? Surely it isn't, since if it was people wouldn't be able to afford to go to medical school. So what is the system in Japan like?

Thank you for your time.

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