The annual air show was put on at Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni City on May 5th. I knew about this Friendship Day long ago, but it was the first time I had attended it. I had been interested in this event, but didn't have a chance to visit the station.
The days between Apr. 29th and May. 5th are called Golden Week in Japan and it's also a holiday week. I can take consecutive days-off during this week and would rather go out for a longer trip than a day trip. This is the only reason that I haven't been to MCAS Iwakuni.
Iwakuni City is located on the coast of Chugoku District, just on the opposite side of my hometown across Seto Inland Sea.
I went there by a ferry that was chartered by the tour company. This ferry was going to enter the military port of MCAS Iwakuni. I couldn't wait to arrive at the port, but there were no military vessels and moreover taking pictures was prohibited. The ferry was designed for a short service like 30 minutes at the longest. I had to stay on that ferry more than 3 hours. It was really an ordeal.
The air show was great and I enjoyed it. The first picture is the ferry boat that I got on. The second is of a transport aircraft and the last is military jets (F18 Hornets) performing aerobatics at the air show.
air show 航空ショー
put sth on <行事・コンサートなど>を催す, <劇など>を上演する
The school puts on a play every year. その学校は毎年劇を上演している.
opposite ~~~ across ~を挟んで反対側に
ordeal 厳しい試練, つらい体験
the ordeal of doing sth <…>する苦しみ[つらさ]
aerobatics 曲芸飛行(術)
加藤 喬
Posted by: Takashi Kato | Jun 09, 2008 at 09:40 AM