I watched a film about what is called the Nanjing Massacre today, though I could only catch the first one hour of it due to an emergency case. This film was the first installment of a trilogy.
What is known as the Nanjing Massacre has been investigated comprehensively and thoroughly for these past 20 years. Consequently it was concluded that the Nanjing Massacre was made up by the Chinese Communist Party and there are numerous supporting pieces of evidence. Open letters have been sent to Chinese ambassadors, Wen Jiabao (温家宝) and Hu Jintao (胡錦涛) again and again, but they didn't give any answer. I'll show you one of the letters in the following URL: http://kumo.typepad.jp/weblog
Japan used to be an evil country and was corrected by the U.S. This is what I was taught by the Government. War criminals were punished and the Japanese people were freed by the U.S. Is that correct? Why has Japan apologized to China and Korea so many times? Many Japanese who can get information on the internet started wondering what the real history was like. I've learned about the Tokyo Trial for myself. I'd like to write about the Tokyo Trial and how we were brainwashed by D. McArthur from then on.
Do you know who was the first person to kill more than 100,000 citizens in one night since recorded history?
catch [他] (時間に間に合って) (映画・番組など)を見られる, (人)と連絡がつく, 話せる
I only caught the last 20 minutes of the movie. その映画は最後の20分しか見られなかった。
installment (雑誌・テレビなどの連載物の) 1回分, 一話, 一部 =episode
trilogy (劇・本・映画などの) 三部作 (KW: 南京事件 南京大虐殺)