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Sep 13, 2009


You helpless! (grin)

"流布" is mainly used for "rumors". You should see the whole 36 years!

Who started Korean education in Korean? Who made primary and secondary schools in Korea? What did Hirobumi Ito say about the education in Korea? He didn't want to be involved with Korea, but Korea itself wanted to be a part of Japan. He was murdered and Korea successfully became a part of Japan.

Japanese medias were also under the control of the Government during the war. As well as Korea. There was no discrimination between them. Several Korean guys went up to the highest level of Japanese military officers. Can you find such a case in other countries? People from the colonies can get promoted to the almost highest (中将). You should think of such collateral evidence. Take care. Distorted facts are flooding.

You should know the background of those days. There are lots of books in Japan. They are being translated into English one by one. If you can understand above Japanese sentences, the books of "黄文雄" are nice for you. He is a Taiwanese writer who is proficient in a few Taiwaneses, Chinese, Korean and Japanese. His research is very precise. About Taiwan, "台湾論" (Manga) is also suitable for you written in Japanese. You would be able to read it with the assistance of nice mangas and Japanese people around you. Bye!

This will probably be my last post on this matter. You refuse to discuss the treatment of Koreans and the treatment of the Korean language.

It is undenyable historical fact that the Japanese colonial government banned the use of the Korean language and tried to wipe out the Korean culture from this planet (among other crimes). The creation of universities, forests, and railroads does not change this fact in any way.

The exact same argument can be said about the treatment of Tibetans. There were no universities in Tibet before the Chinese government invaded. Now there are three, all created by the communists. Using your argument that means China is GOOD FOR TIBET! Just like Seoul University!


A good example of a well researched paper would be something like this. A collection of multiple OBJECTIVE academic sources who are peer reviewed by other historians. The SDH-F society publishes nothing like this. Everything they publish is one sided and filled with hatred of Chinese people, communists, and Japanese leftists.

Also good are collections of archival information regarding a certain event where you can review and form your own opinion.


Finally you should watch 日本鬼子 and learn the truth about the war.

I had been brainwashed by Douglas McArthur until close to 10 years ago, so. I can understand your situation. Anyway,

>There are no sources or citations (引用) a reader can check on their own.

What kind of citations do you believe? Who is the absolute? You should collect lots of collateral evidence with open mind, and deliberate them. China and Korea often distort their own historical properties. Do you know Osaka University? Japanese Government established Soeul University prior to Osaka. Can you understand the fact. It's very easy to check when these universities was made. You'd better collect these collateral evidence and incubate them in your mind.

I hope you learn about Greater East Asia Conference in 1943 though Indonesia was already in the territory of Japan at that time.
I wrote about Sri Lanka splitting in 8 parts.

You wrote about the massacre of Japan. Did you check Ahlone Camp in Burma that Britain want to hide.

One more sage advice;
Wikipedia is not always correct and it's just a view of writers. No one guarantee that it' correct.

By the way, this is my last message for you. You would need more time to get out of the spell of Douglas MacArthur. Enjoy staying in Japan. (grin)

I think you have to understand the background of the times and
you have to assess situations with a bird's-eye view. Do you know the activities of leftists? I believe that I gave you some keys to understand the Japan's policies against Korea.

I don't want to waste my time to talk with a guy who refuse to hear. In addition, you have to learn the history of your own country? Do you know Paris Peace Conference and what Japan insisted at the conference?

I've been reading some of the reports you suggested.

I can't find any that are serious works of scholarship. For example. The first one I read tonight was also about the subject of Tibet.

There are no sources or citations (引用) a reader can check on their own. It is not a work of scholarship and it ends with a uneducated rant warning that China will invade and oppress Japan.

I think you might be mistaken on who is brainwashed.

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