I'll show you lots of pictures taken in Freiburg in a few following articles. Look at the first picture. I was nearly hit by a bicycle here. It was on the bicycle path running parallel to the road. I felt that bicycles are more popular here than in Japan. Additionally, the number of sporty bicycles was high. Their speed was high and they came along without any noise. I wondered if any serious accidents happened. At any rate, bicycles are eco-friendly and good for the health. I thought I should ride in Japan.
The main sightseeing area was the Altstadt. The street called "Eisenbahn Strasse" connected between our hotel and the Altstadt and it took only ten minutes' walk to the Altstadt. The second and third pictures were taken on Eisenbahn Strasse. Look at the fourth picture. You know there were few people on the path. It was Sunday. In Japan, many people go shopping on Sundays, but here in Freiburg Sundays seemed to be the day that people stayed in their homes. I wondered when Freiburgers went shopping. The last picture was of the City Hall.
I thought I should do ... ~してみようかな