The present hottest topic in Japan is the sorting of national projects by the Domestic Party of Japan (DPJ), which had been the perpetual opposition party, and just attained power last August. The DPJ had done nothing but go against everything that the ruling party would do since it had been born. I think that the DPJ, just now in the regime, is in a state of confusion. They might want to show off their work, but I don't agree with their opinions. They are cutting the budgets of many projects that had been scheduled by the former regime, and it made me uneasy. Their thoughtless sorting is shrinking the GDP and it is leading to a stagnant economy. On the other hand, the government will throw 5 billion dollars away to Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, who is also known as the dealer of illegal drugs. Unbelievable!
I naturally hope that the Afghans will have peace as soon as possible, but is it possible to rule this country with the western notion of democracy? The people in this country repeated and continued to fight for more than 3000 years. Alexander, the Persian Empire, the Mongols, the Mughal Empire, the British Empire and lastly Russia retreated, giving up the occupation of this land. Who can govern this country? The five billion dollars from Japan would be of no use.
Sorting of Projects 事業仕分け
perennial / perpetual opposition party 万年野党
perennial (問題・争いなどが) 絶え間なく生じる, 慢性的な, (人気などが) 根強い; 〈植物が〉多年生の
perpetual = constant
attain 〈目標など〉を達成する,〈地位など〉を獲得する,〈水準など〉に達する; 〈ある規模・速度など〉に到達する
state of confusion 右往左往状態
show off (けなして) 能力[業績,持ち物]をひけらかす, いいところを見せようとする, 見えを張る
thoughtless (けなして) 思いやりのない, 不親切な; 軽率な, 思慮のない
An accident may result from their thoughtless actions. 軽率な行為が事故につながるかもしれない.
stagnant 〈水・空気などが〉 よどんだ, よどんで臭い; 〈景気・市場などが〉 停滞した, 低迷した, 伸び悩んでいる
a stagnant economy 停滞経済
the Persian Empire ペルシア帝国
the Mughal Empire ムガール帝国