Serious chaos seems to be still continuing in Haiti, according to the Japanese medical aid team. A group who had plotted to take a few dozen kids out of Haiti, were reportedly arrested at the border. They were alleged to be trafficers of kids. The situation is out of my imagination. Why can't the authorities give enough food to people who are starving, and accommodation to people who lost their houses?
This catastrophe reminded me of the quake that hit Kobe City 15 years ago. Due to the poor control of the then authorities, the casualties rose up to 50,000. The toll topped 6,000. I belonged to the surgical department of the university hospital at that time and the rescue team was organized in a day in the university, and I was one of the rescue staff. I got into the devastated area on the second day, and saw people behave bravely, concealing their real feelings. They were totally staying organized while waiting for food, necessities and medical consultations. No assaults, no looting, co-operation and mutual assistance; these were the principles of the afflicted people.
Some Japanese critics insist that this difference must come from racial characteristics, but I don't agree with their opinion. Look at Barbados. The people of this country are descendants of black people who were unreasonably captured and taken there from African countries just like the Haitians. What's the difference between Haiti and Barbados?
traffic 密売買
trafficker (悪徳)商人、〔麻薬などの〕密売人、人身売買業者
traffic trafficked, trafficking
[他] 〈麻薬・兵器など〉 を密売買する
[自] 密売買する traffic in sth <…>を密売買する
He was arrested for trafficking in drugs. 彼は麻薬の密売で逮捕された.
stay organized 秩序が保たれている
bravely 気丈に
afflicted people 被災者
Barbados バルバドス
Artificial earthquakes in Japan by D Rockefeller
This is Richard Koshimizu from Tokyo.
The series of heavy earthquakes are not NATURAL. These are all ARTIFICIAL EARTHQUAKES. By now many of Japanese have realized the whole story. This is the real war!
When the nuclear war head bunker buster missile is shot against the sea bottom, it can trigger the heavy earthquakes. U.S. Forces have such technology and experiences.
The mastermind is David Rockefeller of CFR who intends to initiate FAR EAST WAR between U.S.+ JAPAN and China+NK. They plan to hit Japan with artificial earthquakes, then, NK shall invade SK and conquer the Peninsula while U.S. Force are absent for rescuing Japan. And China will be involved in this war.
David Rockefeller's eternal goal is to bring the world into FINAL WAR. Please spread this info. as much as possible. Otherwise the whole world would be manipulated and destryed by this mad old man.
Please watch my video that will tell you what he plans.
911 Inside Job and Hereafter (Modified) by Richard Koshimizu・
Richard Koshimizu
Posted by: AN | Mar 16, 2011 at 03:25 AM
Hi Kumo,
"May I suggest" is more polite and the question mark is just to ask you if you agree with this.
Thanks, Peter.
Posted by: Peter | Feb 07, 2010 at 11:00 PM
Hi, Peter
I really agree with you.
By the way, Could you tell me the difference between "May I suggest...." and "I suggest ....", and is "?" unnecessary at the end of "May I suggest...."?
Posted by: KUMO | Feb 07, 2010 at 10:57 PM
May I suggest that the difference between Haiti and Barbados is that Barbados was a British colony for a long time and has a much more structured form of government and society. (peter)
Posted by: Peter | Feb 03, 2010 at 01:20 PM