There are fishes which are called Dr. Fish in Japan. I don't know their real name, but my daughter, A, had tried to put her feet into the aquarium. In the picture, her feet and Dr. Fishes show up. They gather around her feet. Do you know what they are doing? They are eating dead skin cells, and it seems to be good for her skin. Annlie told me that it tickled, but was comfortable. I replied that I'd never be such a fish that had to eat her dead skin if I could live another life again. And one more funny story. She had a scab on her foot at that time, and the fishes ate it. The abrasion was almost cured, but it started to bleed again.
aquarium [C] (複 aquariums, aquaria /-riə/) (養魚用の) 水槽; 水族館
show up(写真などに)写っている
dead skin cells / cuticle / horn 角質
tickling / titillative くすぐったい
crust / scab (治りかけた傷口の)かさぶた