There are lots of current affairs domestically in Japan, but the foot-and-mouth disease is definitely one of the top issues. The disease broke out in Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu two months ago, and the effect is even now spreading due to the political failure of the ruling party, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). The government couldn't contain the disease though the Liberal Democratic Party managed to do that 10 years ago. The farmers had and will have to decimate all the cattle in the infected areas. What are the farmers' feelings like? They would have no words for describing them. I'm angry at the DPJ from the bottom of my heart. They shouldn't have gained power. I never agreed with anything that the DPJ did during their eight months of office.
foot-and-mouth disease 口蹄病
contain 〈火事・伝染病など〉 を食い止める, 抑える
Doctors are struggling to contain the epidemic.
decimate 〈住民・動物など〉を多数死なせる,〈森・作物など〉を大量に破壊する, 〈産業・事業など〉に大打撃を与える