I live on one of four big islands of Japan, called Shikoku. It's the smallest of the four islands. Shikoku consists of four prefectures and Ehime is one of them. I live in Ehime prefecture.
When I was a little child, my family lived in southern Ehime. After moving to the present address, we didn't visit our former living places. I have only a dim memory there, but those places would recall vivid images for my parents. I hit on an idea of taking them to those places after an interval of 40-50 years.
We started for the south on the highway and dropped in at a popular area for its rural and peaceful scenery. The picture is my parents against a backdrop of the mill wheel. In the wheel house, the rice was being pounded.
- (Vocabulary)
- consist in sth 〈本質・原因などが〉 <…>にある, 存する
- consist of sth (要素などとして) <…>から成る, 構成される
- a dim memory/recollection/awareness おぼろげな記憶[思い出,意識][同意] vague
- mill wheel / water wheel / waterwheel 水車
- pound [他] …をバンバンたたく, たたきつぶす
- pound sth on sth <…>で<…>をドンドンたたく
- He pounded his fist on the counter. 彼はこぶしでカウンターをドンドンたたいた.