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« Jan. 17th | Main | New Year Meeting »

Jan 19, 2011


I appreciate the sincere comment you sent. I think you are a man of integrity. Thanks again for visiting my blog.

It is not atomic weapons which unnerve me. It is biological...they are completely indiscriminate and can be easily delivered anonymously. The days of designer genes is already here.

I understand what you are saying. I hate aggression. But not assertiveness.
My mother is from Japan (Kyushu)...My wife is from Japan (Shikoku)...I lived a total of 4 years in Japan. I love Japan. I also love the USA. Please remember...there is no such thing as inherited debt (morally- we know, all too well, the reality of economic inherited debt).

All countries have much to be ashamed of...well, at least of their military leaders whom were unjustifiably aggressive. But, there were great military and political leaders also.

In general, it is not war that is evil...but evil persons' actions (aggression) which sometimes make war necessary (Death rather than enslavement - death to me so my family will be safe...etc.).

I am just glad that Japan became the great nation it is instead of degrading into a nation of victims forever. It did this by looking forward and working together. I say...Honor those who were killed in battle by ensuring it never happens again. By greatly improving the nation and leading others in thought and action. Japan has a great culture and the rest of the world would be bettered by infusing much of what Japan is, into their culture.

You have a very nice and interesting blog. I shall stop by often. I already greatly admire you for what you have done in your life. A surgeon is one of the most highly trained persons in the world. The amount of learning you must have gone through...and continue to do...I cannot even imagine.

I look forward to more of your greatly interesting articles. Till then.
P.S. - You also have extremely good English.


The atomic bombs are a terrible piece of our history. When I first got to Japan, I wondered how many people would judge me as a US citizen because of them. I know that there will always be some resentment towards US as a whole, but almost every Japanese person has been kind and accepting towards me. In my first month in Japan, we went to the museum in Ryogoku that gave me a Japanese perspective of the war. It was very interesting and very humbling.

I don't agree that one country should be able to carry the nuclear weapons. I think they should all be destroyed, period. However, I do respect your opinion. (sarah)

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