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« Bike Delivered | Main | Resilience »

Mar 17, 2011


Dear YL

I completely agree with you. The nuclear generation is essential for Japan. I'm going to write about German media in a few days. They are just "fearmongering".

By the way, the word "-monger" was new to me, and thank you for showing this word. It was a good lesson.

I spent a good deal of this weekend thrilled at having come across your essays. Although I planned to work on Sunday, I read your blog instead. Thank you for the pleasurable hours.

Although far from being an expert, I felt a need to reflect on your entry regarding the Daiichi plant failure. Japanese scientists and engineers have made giant steps in earthquake-proofing the country. Had not the unprecedented tsunami devastated the Northeastern seashore, I believe the number of victims would have been much, much less. Likewise, the Fukushima plant would probably also have withstood the quake without the hitherto unequaled tsunami. What I fail to understand is how can the critics of Japan's nuclear plants judge the safety of the entire industry based on a fifty-year-old design that failed only when hit by a natural disaster of unparalleled magnitude?

I may be wrong but it seems that nuclear power generation is the only real answer to Japan's energy needs.
The alternative, returning to oil, would not only be more expensive by exposing the country to the vagaries of the OPEC cartell but would also create a deadly strategic vulnerability by allowing a belligerent foreign power threaten Japan with intercepting her oil transports. It happened in the past and Japan's opponents would not hesitate to use it in the future. I also wonder whether the sensationalist fearmongering of the foreign media is fueled by the same opponents' wish to suppress Japan's nuclear industry. Do you have the same thoughts sometimes?

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