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Mar 19, 2011


I always wanted to go on biking, but I don't know how to use the bike. :D

Thank you for the very kind words but you really overestimate me. I am just plain lucky to have access to some good dictionaries. Otherwise, it is truly まだ、まだです…



Your explanation is perfect, and I understood them. You have ever learned Japanese, haven't you?

Dear クモ先生、

Actually, when mentioning "diffuse axonal injury", I referred to the brain tissue change that might develop after head concussion. I tried to look it up in Japanese and I found this on the website of the Dept. of Neurosurgery of Jikei University: 「強い外力で脳に回転力が生じた場合、脳深部は脳表部よりも遅れて回転します。このため脳がねじれるように動いて軸索(細胞より延びていると突起部分で、神経細胞において信号の出力を担うもの。「神経線維」とも呼ばれる)が強く引っ張られ、損傷します。これが、「びまん性軸索損傷」(びまんせいじくさくそんしょう)です。」 So perhaps 「びまん性軸索損傷」 may be the translation. In English the three words ("diffuse axonal injury") are always used together; sometimes it is abbreviated as "DAI". I was happy to learn something new today! Thank you!

Dear YL

You don't need to feel sorry. Your opinion is completely right.

Additionally, I could learn some words from your comment. I read English newspapers on regular basis, but don't have enough vocabulary. I added some words and phrases to my Vocabulary Note just below the entry. Especially, "making a nuisance of myself by ~ing" is useful to me. I think I'll often use this expression.

By the way, do you mean spinal cord injury by axonal injury?

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