Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

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Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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Birthday Party

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« Lunch (Shojin Ryori dishes) | Main | Eiheiji Temple 2 »

Jul 29, 2011


Hi, Shiroi_Tora

Thank you for your comment.
I totally agree with you.

The temples of Japan were some of my favorite places to visit. I loved the serenity. Reverence of simplicity in thought, and in life, brought about timeless beauty in structure and landscaping. In a world of ever increasing is the cleanliness of lines in simple structures...the gentleness of the curves blended into the landscape...which give ever increasing generations a solid tie to that which is most calming and beautiful to the soul.

A solid tie to that which is a correct way to think and the meaning of culture. A strong culture is the soul of a great nation...that which without, becomes an empty which is destined to collapse.

It is the Japanese culture that binds the nation and its people. It allows you to work in unison for the betterment of the whole and for the future. It is what made Japan a great nation. It is this unique way of thinking that the temples and grounds epitomize. The temples stir the heart and soul because of the purity of the hearts and minds of those who had designed and made them. It demonstrates all that is good in mankind...and in it...all the greatness that we can be. For them to not stand forever...would be amazing to me.

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