Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

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Jul 29, 2011


Hi, Shiroi_Tora

  "Dake" of "Shizugadake" is the word that means high mountains like Yarigadake, Hodakadake and Miyanouradake. Ordinary Japanese recall high mountains of more than 2000 meters from the word "dake". So, I was surprised to see the battle area for the first time. The height of the hill was at most 100 meters.
  Anyway, I always feel some difficulty for explaining Japan's original items, but I'll continue to try it. By the way, "funnel" was nice. I didn't know the verbal usage of "funnel". It's a best word for explaining the situation. Thanks!

Another very interesting article. I could see how (in the second photo) the terrain would be a battle field of old. It has the makings of an ambush from the hillside. The opposing troops would have been funneled in the valley and could have been attacked from both sides. I know nothing of this battle, or battle site other than what is in the photo...but ambushing archers could easily have rained down arrows from the relative safety of the hillside.

I am looking forward to reading more of your adventures while on vacation.

SERVICE AREA is the correct term in English. (peter)

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