I've been a member of the Matsuyama Chuo Lions Club since last year. I was present at the regular meeting at noon today. The picture shows the conference room and the poster exhibition which was held there. Each poster was drawn by the students of several junior high schools to encourage people to build a peaceful world. A variey of ideas were woven in every poster and it made me happy. On the other hand, an abhorrent exhibition came to my notice. Look at this link or this entry. These posters were also drawn by Korean junior high school students. What will become of them receiving such an absurd education?
Anyway, the club members had to choose three posters which they liked the most. The three drawers who got the highest points will be given an award from the club. I chose three posters which adopted the issue of air pollution, described the scene of shaking hands among several nationalities and depicted a fairy tale land.
abhorrent 嫌悪感を起こさせる
come to sb's notice (フォーマル)(事実・問題などが)<人>の知るところとなる
This never came to my notice (= I never knew about this).
nationality [C] 民族
fairy tale おとぎ話
(Vocabulary from comments)
hatred [C,U] 憎しみ, 憎悪
fallacy [C] (多くの人が信じ込んでいる) 誤った考え, 誤信
denigrate 〈人〉 を中傷する, けなす
denigration 中傷
It is sad to see...not only the hatred of other nations...it is the basic fallacy that to take others down is to elevate yourself. Just by concentrating on the denigration of another is to waste effort that should be applied toward the upward and forward movement of yourself.
A nation doesn't become powerful because he wars on his neighbors. It is because he concentrates on his industries and education.
That is what these kids are missing...and what the teacher has apparently never understood.
Posted by: Shiroi Tora | Oct 24, 2011 at 04:47 PM