Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

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Jan 30, 2012


Thank you for posting your comment to my blog. I checked your facebook page. You graduated Sibuyan college. I remember the name of Sibuyan. It's the tomb place of the Japanese battle ship Musashi.

Thanks for posting this! I was rnnniug next to an octogenarian in the first (& only) marathon I ran in 1997 (during last year of residency!). His pace was very near mine. He must have finished in under 5 hours and had been rnnniug marathons for years! I was very aw inspired. I can no longer run d.t. an injury but can still do high impact aerobics, hot yoga, the elliptical etc.Great reminder one is never too old!Best,Rajka


You're right.

I googled "Fauja Singh", and found several articles associated with him.

Fauja Singh at the Toronto Marathon (2011). Fauja Singh (born April 1, 1911) is a British centenarian marathon runner of Indian Sikh origin.

Yeah, they are basic keys!

In short...simplicity, optimism and chasing goals and dreams. Words to live by. Even were they not a key to longevity...they are basic keys to happiness. Life is simply too short to live unhappily.

To read of the elderly who are still very happy, is a sign of hope to all.
Much of our happiness is a result of our choices in life. The ones we will make in the future...can alter our happiness from that moment on.
We have to make happiness as a goal of priority.

I am already if I can just live to be 100 and still be able to run a Marathon! :)

Fauja Singh sounds Indian.

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