We ate breakfast really quickly. We weren't allowed enough time to see around the falls, because we wanted to see lots of attractions. Our plan was elaborately finalized on the previous night not to waste our time and to see as many attractions as possible.
At first we went to the Table Rock Complex which was the starting point of the tour of the Journey Behind the Falls. We went down by elevator penetrating the rock from inside the complex to underground. After getting out of the elevator and taking about a 50 meters' walk, we emerged from the rock. See the first picture. You won't need my description about the site where I stood.
In the complex there was another attraction called Niagara's Fury, which showed us how the terrain of the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls had been formed. In addition to normal 3-D pictures, the theater supplied real physical effects such as vibration, wind or splashes of water that coincided with the on-screen images.
Next, we got on the boat named "Maid of the Mist," which cruised around just beneath the falls. The second picture shows myself waiting in line for boarding, suited in the offered plastic coat to protect me from getting wet. On the boat, my daughter was able to get the front row of the upper deck and it was the best position to feel the magnificence of the falls. However, it was impossible from there to get the view into pictures due to the torrential splashes of water.
The last picture was shot far before the nearest point and this point was the limiting point where you could use your camera, if it was not waterproof. You can see my daughter's head near the bottom margin, which was my intention of making the picture the evidence of her position on the boat.
finalize …を仕上げる, まとめる
line [C](米) (順番を待つ) 列, 行列
stand/wait in line 列を作る[作って待つ]
cut in line 列に割り込む
torrential 〈雨が〉 どしゃ降りの, 猛烈な
torrent 激流, 奔流, どしゃ降り
a torrent of flood water 洪水の激流
a torrent of sth <…>の殺到, あふれる<…>
the torrent of people coming through the gates ゲートを抜けて殺到してくる人たち
a torrent of abuse/criticism/words 悪口[非難,言葉]のあらし
She was greeted with a torrent of abuse. 彼女は悪口雑言のあらしで迎えられた.
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