The daughter whom I left alone with a strange Canadian family is the youngest one of three daughters. She is already twenty years old, but I feel she is still childish. My wife often told me that I should separate myself from her, but I can't stop worrying about her. Anyway, after a short talk with her homestay family members, I left the house in which she would stay for the next four weeks.
I strolled to the south with the map displayed on my smartphone. It was very useful to know where I was right at that time. It was because I wanted to look around and know the neighborhood where my daughter would live for four weeks as much as I could. Finally I reached an open space, where a statue of a possible Greek man stood. I guessed he was Greek from the letters used in the description on the base on which the statue was set. Alexander the Great by any chance? Some Greek flags were put up around and you can also see them in the picture. This area was actually the Greek neighborhood. See the second picture, which was taken there. My daughter's homestay family had an unfamiliar surname and I noticed they were of Greek origin, seeing this flag in the pictures below. I don't have permission to describe the homestay family in detail and can't write much, but they looked nice and kind.
stroll [自] ぶらぶら[のんびり]歩く, 散歩する
stroll along/across/around etc. sth <場所>をぶらぶら歩く[横切る,歩き回る]
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