I often saw some dark brown bins placed along the roadside from where you couldn't see any folk houses. I knew that those were garbage bins from the guide's explanation. I thought it would be hard work to bring the bins to the roadside from far away places. They might use pick-up trucks.
Later we came across a huge high-sided garbage truck, which was about to collect the garbage. A mechanical arm which projected from the side of the truck grasped the bins, raised them and then threw the contents over the back of the truck one after another. There was a single operator. A single person drove the truck and operated the arm. According to the guide, to my further surprise, the truck had two steering wheels on both sides to make it easy for the collector to get on and off the truck. Though the bins were aligned the same side as far as I saw, it would be helpful that he could drive the truck on both sides.
I happened to see a lady dragging a garbage bin in front of the parking lot and took a snapshot. Those bins had two small wheels to make it easy to be moved. These small rotating bodies just like tires are called "Koro" in Japanese and are distinguished from tires. What do they call this small tire in English? Tire is ok?
back of the truck/ truck bed トラックの荷台
(Vocabulary from comments)
bin (貯蔵用の) 大きな容器
The fruit was kept in large wooden bins. 果物は大きな木製の容器に保存されていた.
(waste bin, rubbish bin とも)(英) ごみ箱[入れ]
The bin needs emptying. そのごみ箱を空にする必要がある.
throw/put sth in the bin <…>をごみ箱に捨てる[入れる]
[同意] trash can(米), wastepaper basket
Later we came across a huge high-sided garbage truck, which was about to collect the garbage. A mechanical arm which projected from the side of the truck grasped the bins, raised them and then threw the contents over the back of the truck one after another. There was a single operator. A single person drove the truck and operated the arm. According to the guide, to my further surprise, the truck had two steering wheels on both sides to make it easy for the collector to get on and off the truck. Though the bins were aligned the same side as far as I saw, it would be helpful that he could drive the truck on both sides.
I happened to see a lady dragging a garbage bin in front of the parking lot and took a snapshot. Those bins had two small wheels to make it easy to be moved. These small rotating bodies just like tires are called "Koro" in Japanese and are distinguished from tires. What do they call this small tire in English? Tire is ok?
back of the truck/ truck bed トラックの荷台
(Vocabulary from comments)
bin (貯蔵用の) 大きな容器
The fruit was kept in large wooden bins. 果物は大きな木製の容器に保存されていた.
(waste bin, rubbish bin とも)(英) ごみ箱[入れ]
The bin needs emptying. そのごみ箱を空にする必要がある.
throw/put sth in the bin <…>をごみ箱に捨てる[入れる]
[同意] trash can(米), wastepaper basket
They're called garbage bins. The small tire would be called a small wheel in English. Tires are inflatable and made of rubber.
Posted by: Peter | Oct 04, 2012 at 08:49 AM