In the first place, it was Japan who sent a battleship to the bottom for the first time in the world. I don't mean Pearl Harbor. The battleships destroyed by the air assault at Pearl Harbor weren't in operation. The switches of those ships were off! There is another precedent in the battle of Taranto which took place on the night of 11-12th November 1940 during the Second World War, and the ships sunk were moored in this case too.
I'm going to talk about the naval battle off Malaya, in which the proud British battleships of the Prince of Wales and Repulse were sunk by land-based bombers and torpedo bombers of the Imperial Japanese Navy. This engagement was fought on 10th December 1941, 2 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor and it was the beginning of the rise of the power of naval aviation over the guns of battleships.
Viewing also the following years of history, there were only 2 cases apart from the naval battle off Malaya in which the battleship in operation was sunk. The name of the battleships were Yamato(Apr. 7th 1945) and Musashi(Oct. 24th 1944), both of which were repeatedly attacked by overwhelmingly huge numbers of military aircraft before sinking. In other words, the battleship had such a strong and overwhelming power at that time.
The naval battle off Malaya was an unprecedented mission for Japan to attack only by aircraft the strongest and bravest battleships in the world at that time. Anything you do first since recorded history requires an unbelievably tremendous amount of time and effort. You'll appreciate how daring Japan was in those days.
What of the British side? Britain along with the U.S. had been pushing Japan to the brink of waging war against the allied nations since long ago, and eventually and successfully they plunged Japan into the bottom of deep sorrow. Britain was already ready for fighting Japan. They would be confident of victory in the battle.
Six days before the battle, Force Z moored in Singapore, which consisted of the battleship the Prince of Wales, the battlecruiser Repulse and four destroyers. The objective of Force Z was to intercept the Japanese fleet with its extraordinary power. On the other hand, Japan had to transport military supplies to the troops which were going down south on the Malay Peninsula. Link to Next
the Imperial Headquarters (旧日本軍の)大本営
instill to teach someone to think, behave, or feel in a particular way over a period of time:
instil confidence/fear/discipline etc into sb A manager's job is to instil determination into his players.
prove sb right/correct <人>が正しいことを証明する
send ~ to the bottom ~を沈める
the naval battle off Malaya マレー沖海戦
rise 《常に単数形で》台頭, 権力獲得, 出世
the rise of fascism ファシズムの台頭
her rise from poverty 彼女が貧困から身を起こしたこと
the rise and fall of sb/sth <…>の興亡, 栄枯盛衰
appreciate 《[他]進行形不可》…を認識する, 理解する
appreciate how/why どれだけ[なぜ]…かを認識する
It is difficult to appreciate how bad the situation has become. 状況がどれだけ悪化したのかを認識するのは難しい.
fully appreciate 完全に認識[理解]する
fail to appreciate something <…>を認識[理解]できない
daring 危険を伴う; 怖いもの[命]知らずの; 斬新な, 大胆な: [名] [U] 度胸; 斬新さ, 大胆さ
a daring rescue attempt 危険を伴う救助活動
a daring young officer 命知らずの若い将校
what of ...? (formal) (ほかの人やもののことを持ち出して) …はどうなんですか?
Battleship Yamato