I learned that most of the items on display had been moved from Mainland China, surviving from stealing and destruction by Chinese people. Who do you think protected Chinese historic treasures? The Japanese Imperial Army served to preserve Chinese historic treasures in the midst of the chaos in World War 2. It was regrettable that there was no such detailed description about the history of the museum itself in the pamphlet given by the museum.
Jadeite 《鉱物》ヒスイ[ひすい]輝石、硬玉、翡翠(ヒスイ)jadeの中で軟玉nephriteに比べて硬く、希少価値の高いもの。主にミャンマーで産出する。薄緑色のものが多いが、白・褐色・紫色のものもある。
locust バッタ, イナゴ
katydid (北米産の) キリギリス