Asagiriko Lake Marathon took place today and I joined the category for the 10km road race. It was the first time for me to run more than 100 meters in the last 30 years, so it was epoch-making stuff in my life. The lake is located an hour's drive south of my hometown and the route was arranged around Asagiriko Lake. The route was surrounded by serene rural scenes which was a nice place for relaxing and feeling the nature.
Lots of people were registered to run in the event, as you can see in the first picture. There were about 2800 runners and this event is undoubtedly one of the biggest events for this tiny village. The start of the half marathon was coming and the runners moved to the starting point.
My friends and I were going to join the 10km road race, which started 30 minutes after the start of the half marathon. We took pictures of ourselves during the 30 minutes which was given for people to see the start of the half marathon. The man wearing number 1428 in the picture is me.
I finished the 10km road race keeping the pace as previously scheduled. Generally speaking, the record was not good, but I found it very satisfying. I'll try other races and complete a full marathon some day.
(Vocabulary from comments)
applaud [正式]…を賞賛する(praise);…を支持する(support)
I ~ your decision to quit smoking. よく禁煙を決意しましたね
We ~ed him for his courage to attack the difficulty. 我々はその困難と戦う彼の勇気を賞賛した.
sideline 〈負傷などが〉〈選手〉を試合に出場できなくする; 〈病気・状況などが〉〈人〉に仕事をできなくする
Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎
nagging 〈痛み・悩みなどが〉しつこい, 絶えずつきまとう; 〈声・親などが〉口うるさい, いつも小言を言う
a ~ cough (なかなか治らない)長引く咳
a ~ doubt つきまとって離れない疑念
have a ~ pain in one's arm 慢性的に腕が痛む.
I appreciate your comment from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your concern, and I'm sorry that my words weren't enough.
In February, I saw runners passing the finish line in the Ehime Marathon. They looked so tired, but happy at the same time. Seeing them, I made up my mind to take part in the next Ehime Marathon at that time. On the next day, my attache case had become a daypack. I began rapid walking while commuting with a runners' watch for keeping suitable pace. Starting April, I took up slow-paced jogging for 3-4 km one time. I'm going to join some road races from now and try a full marathon next February. Lastly thank you again for your concern.
Posted by: KUMO | May 18, 2013 at 08:10 PM
I applaud your fighting spirit... however, to not have run more than 100 M at any one time for over 30 years...and then to run a 10 careful. Even if your pace is slow...the pounding and the strain on your ligaments and tendons alone, without appropriate buildup through training, can sideline running for quite a few months.
I know you must have been keeping yourself in shape through regular bike riding (you look fit in your picture)...however, your feet aren't used to constant full weight foot strikes without regular jogging. I am sure your heart is are a doctor. I know you wouldn't set yourself up for a heart attack through sudden prolonged exertion beyond an untrained heart's capacity to keep pace.
I am just worrying that you may develop Plantar Fasciitis. I've had it before...just once...but that was all it took. I carefully built up my milage before long distance running from that point forward. While a 10k is not so far...should you decide to run in longer races without appropriate training could end up with nagging injuries. I used to go on quite a bit of long distance runs...including races. I have suffered my share of overuse injuries...however, my Plantar Fasciitis came as a result of one particularly long run without the appropriate pre-race training...when I was still very young and new to running.
Anyway...good for you on your run. It is good to see other men my age keeping themselves fit. Keep up you fighting spirit...and keep enjoying your races.
Posted by: Shiroi Tora | May 15, 2013 at 10:31 AM