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Jul 20, 2013


It's damn funny!

I feel sorry to know that you had terrible pizza! Ha ha ha!

I believe that there are two types of microwave look cooking equipment.

One is simply to warm the foods and drinks.
The other one is to warm and bake.
It's hard for the average men to tell which is which from its appearance.

"Microwave" is strictly to warm the foods but "microwave and oven" is combination of microwave and electric bar oven to bake.

In Japanese, we call the first one "Microwave" but the other one is called "Oven range" which is Japanglish.
Therefore, when you thaw the frozen food, you need to turn it to microwave mode.
After thawed, then turn the "microwave and oven" to the "electric bar oven mode" to bake the food such as pizza as you motioned.

But when you used combined one, you need to preheat the equipment at the "electric bar oven" mode before you bake.
Normally this is to use to bake cakes and rolls.

In conclusion, you'd better to use simple toaster oven to bake for the frozen ready made pizza.

So either you need to appreciate to your wife or you need to blame her.

Because it wasn't necessary for you to know it until today due to her continuing fine domestic duties.
Or you need to blame your wife.
Because she was hiding the secret of the "microwave and oven" from you until today or did not educate you how to use it.

Now it's your choice to say thank you to her or blame her to have future good relationship with your wife, I guess.

Thank you for typical man's interesting post.

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