Before leaving Japan, I was so busy that I couldn't read the travel guidebook about Italy, in spite of my first visit to the country. I didn't know even a few Italian phrases of greetings and about the details of principal cultural assets. Numerous historic sites are found densely in Rome. I should have learned some of those historic buildings or incidents. While moving by bus in the city on the previous day, I realized my mistake. So, I decided to shoot lots of pictures and record the route I moved just for future reference. I'll show you various places in sightseeing progression.
The breakfast was served in the hotel, H10 ROMA CITTA. I liked it better than that of Novotel in Freiburg. The weather was not good. It was about to rain and we were advised to carry umbrellas from the hotel personnel. A bus picked us up at the hotel and the local guide on the way to the Colosseo. The wireless receivers were delivered at the entrance of the Colosseo and we entered the historic ancient ruins. Looking around, the local guide told us miserable stories about the Colosseo, the fights between slaves and savage animals, the sad lives of conquered countries' citizens, and so on. I saw the dark side of the Roman Empire.
Route Map: Hotel to Lunch
progression [U](特に書き言葉) 前進, 進行
a natural progression 自然な成り行き
Colosseo コロッセオ、コロシアム、コロッセウム
savage 〈人・攻撃などが〉 非道な, 非人道的な, 〈動物が〉 獰猛(どうもう)な
the Roman Empire ローマ帝国
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