I've been planning a trip with my second daughter to Europe this fall. She will graduate from a grad school next spring and this fall would be the last opportunity to make a trip with her. All in all in Japan, after getting a job, it will not be easy for newcomers to take a vacation as long as and anytime they like.
I've been to southern Germany three times, a total of three weeks and I'd like to visit the northern part of Germany next time. I have many places I want to visit, and I chose the Second World War related places this time, like Potsdam, the ruins of the Berlin Wall, Auschwitz in Poland and Yalta in Ukraine. The moving distance in the EU would be longer than before and the cost of the trip would be also high. I have to minimize the cost of hotels and meals. My second daughter can speak German. She is handy and essential on the trip. Naturally, I know about the political upset in Ukraine. I really hope that their issues will be settled in the best way. If not, I'll visit the Polish historic city of Cracow not Yalta, which I think is like Kyoto in Japan, and learn about Polish history in one of the World Cultural Heritage Sites.
The last issue is to save money and take a vacation from my boss because my hospital hasn't enough human resources.
the Potsdam Declaration ポツダム宣言《1945》
Auschwitz アウシュビッツ《ポーランド南西部の工業都市;同市郊外にはナチスのユダヤ人強制収容所があった》
the Yalta Conference ヤルタ会談
Cracow クラクフ 〔ポーランド南部のビスワ川沿いにある古都。11世紀から16世紀まではポーランド王国の首都だった。旧市街は世界遺産に指定されている。〕
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