A diorama of Kounomai village, which had existed there before, was displayed in the historic house which used to be utilized as an Ekitei, which I wrote about in the previous but one entry. Seeing it, the village was fairly big and seemed to be prosperous, but their ruins were apparently disappearing. Other old stuff was also on display and a comic magazine caught my eye, in which a character from Kounomai village showed up.
After the tour of Ekitei, as we were about to leave for the present Kounomai village, we wanted someone to guide us around the lost village. It didn't hurt to ask for a guide, though I had no reservation. Then, one of the staff members spoke to us, "Shall I show you to the ruins?" He gave us an elaborate tour of the lost village, and it was very fortunate. If we had gone on alone, we wouldn't have been able to find the ruins. They were so deeply buried in the forest. Most buildings were made of wood and those moldered away. Without advance knowledge, we would be astonished to see them just like the discoverer of Machu Picchu.
I saw the entrance of the mine pit, a folk house, the ruins of the school and a decent swimming pool, and other things. I'll post pictures of them.
diorama /dàɪərǽmə, -rmə [C] ジオラマ (歴史・物語の一場面などを表す立体模型)
It doesn't hurt to ask. 聞くだけ聞いてみたら?
molder (徐々に)ぼろぼろになる, 朽ちる, 腐る