After the check-in at ANA Cargo, I underwent the possessions security check. It's why my possessions were taken out of the storage space of my scooter in the first picture. A young official started to examine the presence or absence of explosive substances in my possessions with a small piece of paper-like device. It would be routine work for the air cargo personnel. I doubted, however, if it was necessary because I would fly with my scooter. The young inspector seemed to notice my doubt, and the inspection became so simple and ritual. My scooter wasn't air cargo, but baggage!
Next, I was told to separate the end terminal from the battery and wrap it with insulating tape to prevent spontaneous fire. Naturally, I did it strictly.
Lastly, a cargo member of staff looked over my scooter with me to detect the scratches one by one. If I found new scratches after the transportation compared with his report, I could demand their repairs to ANA.
My scooter was elaborately fixed on the special pallet and was taken to the plane. It will be under lock and key until stowage. Next time I see it, I'll be in Hokkaido. Hokkaido has got no end of wonderful scenery, cuisine and shops, not to mention excellent public hot spas. It has more than its share of things to do and see...
end terminal 端子
insulating tape 絶縁テープ
insulate〈物〉に絶縁[防音,断熱]処置を施す, を絶縁体で覆う
insulate sb from sth <人>を<不快など>から遠ざけて守る[隔離する]
pallet(フォークリフト用)パレット, 荷運び台
under lock and key 厳重に保管されて
stow (場所・容器などに) …をしまい込む, 詰め込む [同意] stow away
stow away (on sth) (<船など>に)こっそり乗り込む
stow sth ↔ away <…>をしまい込む, 収納する
have got no end of … ~は枚挙にいとまがない、際限のない~
Oh, it has more than its share of things to do and see...それはもう、することや見るものに事欠かないところなんです
航空貨物の受付カウンターでの写真です。担当者はルーチン検査なのでしょう。爆発物チェックなどを開始しました。しかし、これは航空貨物ではなく手荷物です。預けた者が一緒に登場するのでそこまで必要なのかなと口に出したとたん、検査は形式的な物になりました。(^_^;) バッテリー端子を外して絶縁し、荷物を詰め込んで、スクーターはパレットに載せられて厳重に固定。運ばれていきました。次にスクーターを見るのは新千歳空港です。いよいよ北海道! 行きますよ!
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